Thursday, October 16, 2008

Eating Meat

Eating meat was important to the boys. Why? How was it symbolically important?


Sergio said...

Eating meat was an important feature and a main feature in "The Lord of the Flies". This was important to many of the boys because it meant abundance in food. It made the boys feel like they were home and it made them feel jolly and happy. For Jack, personally, it was just his obsession; his thrill to hunt.

Symbollically, this symbolizes the predator and the prey. The predator, in theory, overpowers the prey and is dominant in every sense. Relating this to "The Lord of the Flies", the boys are slowly becoming the predator, while the pigs are becoming the prey. This gives the boys a sense of power and sense of safety, as if being at home. At the boys home and in their society, eating meat was natural, and there were humans dominating everything, whether it be in politics or education. In reaction to that, the boys slowly felt the urge to take control and power to make this the society they are already used to.

Jimena :D said...

I agree with Sergio because the meat made them feel power and they all loved power especially Jack. Jack hunted because he was a leader and people sought to him. It made him feel in charge and useful. It was the one thing Ralph did not have complete power over and he loved it. The hunting in my opinion was on of the reasons Jack came to power.

Hanggi Lee said...

Eating meat was an important fact for all the boys in "The Lord of the Flies." The meaning of having meat meant no more diarrea and stomach aches. They would also have enjoyable food. Not only was the food great, but the thrill the hunters felt when killing the pig was a emotion Jack could not forget. Agreeing with Sergio, for Jack the killing for the pig became an obsession.
Symbolically it is important because the killing of the pig gives the boys somewhat the sense of safety and power. By killing the pig they can fell power over something. For instance, the pigs.

hadar said...

Using meat as sustenance made a difference in the boy's life. For the first time during their stay in the island, they were capable of relying on food in which reminded them of their home, and gave them a warm feeling.

It was very essential in Jack's plan to overcome Ralph because it seduced all the boys to join him Because it also symbolized the fun of freedom that Jack was offering.

Hanggi Lee said...

I disagree with Hadar. Yes, the meat was a way of survival, but the meat also gave a thrill to Jack to keep on hunting. In the other hand, it did not work so well in the plan of over powering Ralph. Because in one part of the book Ralph also kills a pig.

Erika said...

The meat was really important because it was not so much the meal, but the power that they gained by killing a beast. For me it would be that if jack knew that he could kill a pig, it gave him the power to think that he could kill anything else, even a human being.

ahra cho said...

Eating meat is important because all the proteins people need to survive are in there.
I agree with Sergio (comment all the way at the top) that eating meat symbolically is like a prey and predator thing. It’s important for the predator to make a prey their prey or else some other predator might eat them first.

faaBy said...

Eating meat was especially important for Jack. He even decided to let the fire burn out because he had to hunt and find meat for the others.
Meat is important in the story because it gave them proteins, and the proteins gave them energy. The energy that they gained from eating meat also made them feel happy and allowed them to feel stronger.

jesi hayes said...

I strongly agree with what Sergio and Erika have said, with the others I disagree a bit. The basic simply reason of the importance of the meat to the boys, as almost everyone mentioned is the proteins which it contains.
Now, it is symbolically important because of what Erika and Sergio mentions, the thrill to kill and the delight in being the predator and overpowering a prey. What does this mean? It is not the simple fact of gettin meat becaus is this simple? NO it is not, you are taking something's life because you want more energy you like to be in power, you like to be the dominating one.
I do not think it has that much to do with reminding them of home maybe only that it was cooked. Whoever said that it reflected the course their home society had taken of overpowering everything else is also right. For some reason that seems to be part of human nature, the need to have everything under their power, under their control. Killing the pig and eating its meat, having the power to take something's life. It's symbolically important for they loose their innocence, the children are able to destroy a creature's life and enjoy it.

Won Park said...

Eating meat to the boys was important because that was the only food that would make them full and didn't make them go hungry really fast as the fruits did. It's simbolically important because once they just eat meat and not all cooked, they are like the predators as Sergio mentioned and the pigs are the preys. Mainly, the predators take over the preys in which in the stories is viewed as the boys take over the pigs in order to have meat for food. These are the ways that are symbolically important.

Kalif Shear said...

I agree with Sergio and Jimena. The meat was symbolic to how the boys on the island felt power over everyone else, especially Jack. This was also sybolic because it represented how people in the world prey on other and degrade others.

Paula F. said...

It was important, because is one of the mai foods human need to eat. Apart from that, like everyone else has said, they also seemed to feel like home when eating meat. In the symbolical way, i agree with sergio and erika too, the way the meat is portrayed as the way of seeking and feeling power over the others. Also the way meat is seeing as the way of prey, so that they felt more secure of themselves, and feeling less scare of the island. It like gave them more confidence over themselves.

Amy G said...

Eating meat was important for the boys, because it meant more substance and strength that the meat gives. How they aquire the meat, though, is more important. When they hunt,they let their savagery show through, and the adrenaline drives them into doing crazy things.

Unknown said...

Hello Everyone,
I am currently 12 years old in 2022. I have used these comments as references for English tasks relating to the Lord Of The Flies. Thank you so much for the help :)!