Thursday, October 16, 2008

Understanding the Resolution

Ralph answers, "Yes" to the naval officer when he asks if a war is going on. Explain what
the war is about and who the rival sides are.


Jimena :D said...

The war becomes a struggle for power at the beginning. Jack does not want competition, even though he is in charge of almost the whole island, he feels threatened by Ralph’s existence. Every time Ralph has talked to the boys or simply appeared, they all look up to him and become quiet when he is talking.
The rival sides are basically made up like this. Ralph is on one side and the rest of the big boys on the other.

ahra cho said...

I agree with Jimena about the sides of the war. Ralph is all by himself fighting against all of the other boys. However, I believe that the war is about gaining power and defeating each other. For instance, Ralph has all the power at the beginning. As the story moves on, Jack attacks by starting to insult Ralph and lowering his image as a leader. Jack started to talk about how following Ralph, people might die because of no food and because Ralph is weak.

hadar said...

I agree with both Jimena and Ahra. It was clearly stated by the author, William Golding, that the constant war was between Jack and Ralph. The war developed through out the plot when Jack managed to obtain power and respect from the others by threatening and offering them to reunite with him.

I believe that when Ralph informed the naval officer that there was a war, he referred to both his inner conflict and the war with Jack. Ralph was struggling with the fact that he was responsible for the death of Johnny and Simon, and the idea that he might soon face death.

Nate Treacy said...

Apart from being a physical war of Ralph vs Jack, it was a symbolic war between two polar extremes: society and savagery. So I partly agree with all three of you (but I don't know who Johnny is) but I also think that "war" had deeper symbolism than power struggle.
I think it was a sort of endless war that would continue to be fought for ages, and continues to be fought to this day: reason and logic go up against violence and anger.

It's a scientific fact. Scum always rises to the top.

Kevin said...

This war runs much deeper than physical fights. This fight has ties down to the beginning of human society, to the very base of human nature, survival. This fight has Ralph and all that is good in the world while Jack has most of the big kids on the island on his side and chaos, evil, destruction, and a sense of savagery.

Sergio said...

The resolution of "The Lord of the Flies" ends by ending the war that was going on in the island. Just like Kevin said, it runs deeper than the physical fights. However, it can be interpreted in various ways. One way is the way Jimena interpreted it, by saying the struggle for power between Ralph and Jack (and the other boys). It can also be said in the sense of survival. Ralph is a a representation of hope and rescue while Jack is simply a down-to-earth version of survival. Although many people do not want to accept the fact, but Jack is a more humane and natural version of the "dark" inner side in humans. This war could also be the war between belief and fact.

MaRy G. Miller said...

The war that Ralph is talking about is the never ending war of power that has haunted humanity through out the ages. It happens every time a person suffers jealousy and it is what happens with Jack. From the beginning there was a constant conflict between Ralph and Jack because Jack always wanted to be an independent.
When the so called war turns on to Ralph, he is left alone to fend for himself when so many people turn their backs on him. Which happens during wars, people can get backstabbed for better offers or out of fear, but Jack and Ralphs war is also a battle of the mind because Ralph is fighting the fact of being a savage even though some moments have already captured him, like killing Simon, and stabbing the pig. The main rival sides are in the end Ralph and Jack.

jesi hayes said...

I agree with Nathan and Mary. The rival sides are the leaders Ralph vs Jack. I don't see as Ralph being alone on one side though, he has Piggy, Simon and Samneric. Jack gets the rest of the boys to support him through fear, though Roger simply prefers Jack.
The war being faught is a mix of what Nate and Mary have already said. On what would be Ralph's side lie reason and logic were the main focus is to be rescued and survive. Jack's side is the savage side were people are wild and give into their ambitions, jealousy and the unsatiable craving for overpowering the rest and of bloodshed. Like Jack's obsession with hunting and with hating those that are weak.
It is a way that has been going on forever and by looking back in time, Jack's side seems to be able to take control for longer periods than Ralph's for Ralph's side is too liberal which encourages people to go out of control and fight if they wish which also leads to the easy overpowering of a violent and repressive leader like Jack.

Won Park said...

The two rival sides are between Ralph and the rest of the boys on the island as Jimena and Ahra Cho have mentioned. The war is about two leaders who want things done in their own way. In instance, Jack wanted to hunt, have feasts, and have fun, but Ralph was almost the opposite. Ralph wanted to be rescued so he wanted to be more of a working person in order to be rescued. Also, the war is about who is becoming more powerful and stronger. Jack had been more competitive against Ralph in order to gain power. Ralph was not a competitive leader, but was more of a democrat. With these two differences, Jack became more powerful at the end.

Kalif Shear said...

I believe that Ralph is correct in saying that a war is taking root on the island. Ralph represents a sensible society and the right of democracy and he is facing Jack and his anger,jealous, greed, an totalitarianism. This war is simialiar to the struggles in our world today.

Paula F. said...

Yes, and I agree with both. It's true that the war is for struggle of power, but when we move on while reading the story, you can see that there is also a struggle of survival. Making this a point of view, you can see that the war is not just based on power, but to try and stay living. The sides were separated to be kept alive. In my opinion if Jack hadn't scare and manipulated the kids, there would still be two balanced sides. Jacks manipulation over the kids and black mailing to keep them on his side gave him power to take over. He new that if he didn't kill Ralph, people would have come back to his side, because they would be able to start understanding the fear of Jack over Ralph making him look weaker.

Ryan said...

If Ralph had just submitted to Jack in the beginning, then all would have gone well and they would have probrably been rescued. Ralph is a very hard headed idiot in my opinion and kept fighting for "humanity". But is he really human doing that? He caused deaths and that is supposedly inhumane. If he would have submitted to Jack there would have been none or few deaths and it would have all gone fine.

Unknown said...

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